The Kverneland Exacta TLX GEOSPREAD has almost exactly the same specifications as the Exacta TL GEOSPREAD, but comes with a newly designed CentreFlow system with 8 capacity vanes on each disc for a perfect overlap, no matter how fast you are driving. With 2 metres sections, 4 load cells and a reference sensor, the Kverneland Exacta TLX GEOSPREAD can do high speed spreading under all circumstances. ISOBUS compatible and AEF certified. You can operate the spreader in combination with the IsoMatch Tellus, IsoMatch Tellus GO or any other ISOBUS compatible tractor terminal.
Carrington, Lincolnshire: 01205 480460
Market Rasen, Lincolnshire: 01673 842222
Sutterton, Lincolnshire: 01205 460600
Mon-Fri: 8:00am-5:00pm
Saturday: 8:00am-12:00pm
Sunday: Closed